在設計構成上,特別採用乾淨簡潔富動態流線的曲線,傳達朝氣活力之感;標準字設計融入部分圓角調性,除呼應logo C弧線循環,也傳達企業保暖溫和氛圍;色彩則使用同彩度的黃、藍、橘、紅,顯出自信與熱忱,最下面襯以藍色,則說明企業奠基於沉穩專業。
Taking alphabet C as the design elements, and the figure is just like a ball which shows the spirit of this company: Flexible.
For the design, we take the flowing line to convey the power of this company. As for the font, it is designed with arc which shows the warm atmosphere of this company; and the color yellow, blue, orange and red shows the confidence and the passion. The blue color is on the base to show the professional and steady.