





「關渡藝術節」是臺北藝術大學自1993年以來,每年10月持續舉辦的大型藝術節慶,2012年以 ACTION、CREATION、TRANSFORMATION 作為主題,闡述藝術的力量來自於「行動」、「創意」和「轉變」。期許藝術的能量,透過各種行動和體驗,充分地傳到每個地方,並能在各個層面上產生美妙的改變。進而凸顯北藝大三十而「力」的精神,感受各類藝術的力量,領受創意帶來的撼動。


從世界各地引介了結合各種藝術類型的跨領域作品:法國帶入大量肥皂泡沫和視覺藝術的抽象舞作《肥皂歌劇Soapéra》、日本彈奏佈滿整個空間有如大型建築樂器之《搭通音樂線Stringraphy》、法/德/韓國透過愛戀的雙人嘻哈舞探論多重身分認同的Monchichi、南非以舞蹈詮釋經典並關懷自殺與愛滋議題的《我想那就是哈姆雷特I Think It's Hamlet》、法國探討殖民、戰爭和壓迫的多樣裝置獨舞《世界博覽會World Fair》、當代香港最重要的導演鄧樹榮所執導的《泰特斯2.0》、韓國多摩劇團探討人的思想與愛的價值《夢The Dream》、以及台灣/義大利編舞家蔡慧貞與Francesco D'Astici打造的匯舞集創團首作《門The door》。


由音樂學系所舉辦的「校友室內樂甄選計畫」,則邀請眾多優秀校友返校演出《幸福之幻》、《女人之心》、《璀璨之音》校友室內樂系列,和旅德鋼琴家《蘇立群鋼琴獨奏會》,還有集結北藝大優秀音樂師資,聯手打造的《教授室內樂》和《美聲風采》。以及由傳統音樂學系師生一起同台演出的 南管戲《陳三五娘‧睇燈》,和齊聚亞洲多國作曲家於一堂的《傳‧電…綺想─王世榮與作曲家們一起來弄樂》。



除了各項演出展覽外,開幕活動 更延伸進入台北市中心,北藝大 Power 30:台北藝起走.西門逗陣行,結合藝陣隊伍和傳統陣頭,激盪起西門町的年輕活力。期間更有 超級藝術市場、兒童寫生比賽和 OPEN DAY遊樂北藝大開跑,除了可在宜人的10月觀賞眾多又繽紛的藝術展演外,更多有趣又有創意的活動在校內四處同步展開,今年的關渡藝術節極具份量,又消彌了遙遠的跨海觀賞藝術的距離,歡迎一起來關渡慶祝北藝大的三十歲生日Party吧!




About Kuandu Arts Festival

2012 Kuandu Arts Festival - A‧C‧T:ACTION CREATION TRANSFORMATION 10/03 (Wed) ~10/28(Sun)Taipei|Kuandu
A Feast of Art and Culture - Kuandu Arts Festival

Rich and diverse, Kuandu Arts Festival holds itself to world-class standards comparable to the international art festivals of Vienna and Edinburgh. Yet, at the same time, it covers a wide range of music, theater, dance, exhibitions, animation, outdoor sculptures, and other various forms of art. Bringing together renowned art groups and artists from more than 15 countries, Kuandu Arts Festival features more than 100 programs that will allow you to see the first line in world art without having to step foot out of Taiwan.

Kuandu Arts Festival is a large-scale art festival that Taipei National University of the Arts (TNUA) has held every October since 1993. For 2012, its theme, ACTION, CREATION, TRANSFORMATION, depicts the sources of art's power. Through actions and experiences, it is the hope that the energy of art will spread to every corner of the world, promoting wonderful changes wherever it touches. With this, the "power" in the spirit of TNUA's 30th anniversary is unleashed. Feel the power of art, and be shaken by creative inspiration.

Interdisciplinary. Theatre. Dance
Combining a variety of art disciplines, works from around the world will be introduced at Kuandu Arts Festival. From France, “Soapéra” is an abstract dance work that utilizes mass amounts of soap bubbles and visual art. Coming from Japan, “Stringraphy” features the playing of a giant musical instrument that covers the entire space. “Monchichi” is a French/German/Korean production that explores the various identities we all hold through a hip hop performance by two lovers. “I Think It's Hamlet” is a South African dance interpretation of a classic that focuses on the issue of suicide and AIDS. Featuring a diverse use of installations, “World Fair” is a solo dance performance from France that discusses colonialism, war, and oppression. Shu-wing Tang, the most important director of modern day Hong Kong, will direct his production, “Titus Andronicus 2.0.” Korea's Theatre Company Domo explores people's thoughts and the value of love in “The Dream.” Founded by Taiwan and Italian choreographers, Hui-chen Tsai and Francesco D'Astici, HuiDance will debut their first production, “The Door.”

Music. Traditional Music
Organized by the Department of Music, the Alumni Chamber Music Selection Plan invites many outstanding alumni back to perform a few series of chamber music: “The Magic of Happiness”, "The Hearts of Women", and "Resplendent Sounds." Along with Germany-based pianist alumni, Li-Chun Su, in Li-Chun Su Piano Recital, TNUA's outstanding music teachers also come together to perform in Chamber Music by Professors and Beautiful Voices, Elegant Styles. The teachers and students of the Department of Traditional Music will also gather to perform “Thē-teng” (Watching Lanterns) from Nanguan Opera Tân San Gōo Niŭ. And, finally, Transmitting Electricity...Fantasia - Hsi-Jong Wang and Composers brings together composers from various Asian countries.

Exhibitions. Films. Animation
The long-term exhibition, Artist in Wonderland - 2012 Kuandu Biennale, will be hosted by Kuandu Museum of Fine Arts and features the joint efforts of ten artists and ten curators. Fly High. Thirty - A Traditional Kite Art Exhibition will be held at the gallery in the library entrance. Experience a Visual-Audio Fantasy, TNUA’s 30th Anniversary Campus History Exhibition will showcase the original Luzhou campus and the current one at Kuandu. Additionally, the Department of Filmmaking will launch the four categories of "Student Film Exhibition", "Famous Filmmakers", "Indian Films" and "Student Films of Asia" for its 2012 The 4th Kuan-Du Film Festival. The 2012 Kuandu International Animation Festival invites Japan's ASIAGRAPH, international animation curators, foreign schools focusing on animation and digital technology, and other related groups. This event can be seen as the first major festival for the world of animation in Taiwan. 


Opening Ceremony. Events at Other Schools
Along with the performances and exhibitions, the opening event will also extend into the very heart of Taipei. TNUA Power 30: Taipei Walks Together in Art Starting From Ximen combines performance troupes with traditional ones to arouse the youthful vitality of the Ximen district. During this time, there will also be a Super Art’s Market, a children's sketching competition, and the Open Day Leisure Tour of TNUA event. Aside from enjoying numerous dazzling art exhibitions in the pleasant month of October, you will also be able to join many more interesting and creative events that will be held throughout the campus grounds at the same time. This year's Kuandu Arts Festival will indeed feature a great amount of activities, which diminish the need for people to go overseas to view outstanding art. We welcome you to come join us in celebrating TNUA's thirtieth anniversary! 



2012 Kuandu Arts Festival
For inquiries, please call:             (02) 2893-8130     
To purchase tickets, please contact NTCH ticketing system
Service Hot-line:             (02) 3393-9888     





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