




市面上保健食品琳朗滿目,卻鮮少有品牌純粹為素食者量身研發。「一樂鶴Veggie Care」秉持著純萃、天然的根基,研發出第一支代表性的營養補給產品,因此在著手規劃產品設計包裝時,我們期盼整體設計能幫助品牌樹立代表性的包裝視覺印象,在未來系列產品的延展上也能夠很好應用。

設計發想是以強烈卻單純的單片葉作為視覺的焦點主軸,葉片上透過兩種不同葉脈紋理的結合,透過如葉綠素般深淺自然的表現,表徵產品主要的特色:天然藻類、植物蛋白、維生素等多項元素,而主視覺的框線結合葉脈細膩紋理的設計概念,來自顯微鏡下的載玻片及玻片裡葉子之元素解構,象徵著玻片裡蘊藏著每一顆Veggie Care膠囊的誕生,一如這一片葉子的意象,完整凝縮了一天所需的營養補給,蘊含各種全天然純粹的元素和成分。



Even with all the healthy foods in the market, there are but a few brands that are purely developed for vegetarians. Thus, “ILHA Veggie Care” has the developed the first prominent nutritional supplement product based on pure and natural ingredients. Therefore, during the planning of the product design packaging, the aim will be that the design of the package will establish the brand’s identity and what it stands for, serving also as the foundation for future extension of the product series.

The design concept use the simple yet robust concept of a single leaf as its core. The design combines two different leaf vein textures to express the unique features of the product, which are the use of natural algae, plant protein, and vitamins. The main visual focuses on deconstruction of the details of the leaf texture, as if seeing the leaf through a microscope, symbolizing that within every leaf lies the awaited birth of each Veggie Care capsule. Moreover, just like how this leaf can contain within it all the necessary nutrients it needs for the day, so does the capsule carry within it all the pure and natural ingredients necessary.

The color scheme is mainly based on the deep emerald green color of natural plants. The various gradients of green are used to differentiate the various products of the brand, yet at the same time create a sense of unity within the product series. The overall design uses large white spaces, not just to emphasize the brand’s core values, but also to convey the brand’s focus, persistence, and aesthetics. These resonant with the brand’s message of a nutritional supplement that is purely vegetarian, non-artificial, natural and organic, safe to use, and without burden to the body.

    創作者 Holycow design 的頭像
    Holycow design


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