從湛藍的海洋到繁茂的叢林,豐富的自然景觀是許多人對南非的想像,而成群結隊的鯨魚更是南非海岸的壯麗風景。一家名為Big whale於南非留尼旺島上的禮品公司,專門為島上飯店旅遊業提供禮品給來自世界各地的旅客。屬法國國土的留尼旺島有小歐洲之的美譽,是許多歐洲人嚮往的度假勝境,一直以來Big whale專注於禮品服務的細心別緻,希望回歸送禮的心意,讓一份真摯的祝福可以透過禮物無遠弗屆,並同時將島上的在地風情,如大鯨魚游向大海的廣闊一般送往世界各地。因此品牌識別的主色系採用象徵陽光的金黃、海洋的亮藍、棕梠樹的翠綠,品牌標誌特別將大鯨魚及禮物的意象合一,表現鯨魚俏皮噴水的模樣同時也是承載著最大最美好的祝福悠游前往,圓形又象徵企業細膩周全、致力於貼心服務,並將海浪的動態流線與鯨魚尾巴的線條巧妙融入標準字體,活潑鮮明又不失時尚優雅,充份展現品牌的核心精神,原汁原味傳遞來自南非小島的熱情之禮。
When we think of South Africa, the first image comes to our mind would be a glossy sea and wooded forest those abundant natural landscape, and what’s more, a group of whales is one of the most beautiful scenes in South Africa.
There is a souvenir company called Big Whale which offers lots of souvenirs for restaurants in the island for the tourists that from all over the world. This island, which is a French colony, has a reputation for little Europe, and it is also a bacara resort for most of Europeans. Big Whale hope the blessing of souvenirs could not limited by the distance but could go far all over the world just like big whales swing to the sea without limitation.
Therefore the brand identity chose the color gold, which symbolizes the sunshine, the color blue, which symbolizes the sea, and the color green, which symbolizes the palm tree. The logo combines the image of whale and gift. Furthermore, the shape circle is a symbol of a company’s sweet and considerable service. The active flow of the sea and the whale’s tail are used as the company’s name, it is not only a vivid but also a fashion design, which perfectly shows the core spirit of the brand, bringing the passionate of this small island.